Live Well, Be Free.

Courage to Create, LLC was born out of the idea that it takes courage to look inside yourself, reflect on your inner most thoughts and feelings, and try to change for the better. It's not an easy task, but it's necessary, and Courage to Create wants to support anyone trying to make these changes. The ones who are brave, and the ones who feel fear, but do it anyway.

The mission isn't to label, stigmatize, or cure anyone. It's to help people understand themselves so they can create lives that are more satisfying, fulfilling, and meaningful.


About Me

When people ask how long I’ve been a therapist I tell them my entire life. The only difference now is that I’m paid to do it.

I attended Louisiana State University where I earned bachelors and master’s degrees in Child & Family Studies and Social Work. Aside from a brief stint in Pennsylvania, I’ve lived in Louisiana my entire life.

Since beginning my career as a social worker I’ve worked in community mental health, hospitals, substance abuse programs, and forensics. Though I primarily do clinical work in a private practice setting, I am still passionate about macro-level issues that affects communities.

I don’t enjoy every aspect of this work that can be challenging and confusing at times, but I’ve learned that I don’t have to. It’s a privilege to do work that requires me to constantly strive to grow as a person, and I don’t take it for granted. Continually striving to be the best version of myself allows me to better care for the people I serve.

Anwar Francis, LCSW


  • Existential-Humanistic therapy is a style of talk therapy that uses a philosophical approach to help individuals understand why they act, feel, and think the way they do, and to explore what it means to be human. It is a style of therapy that developed from existential & humanistic philosophical traditions and for this reason does not rely solely on a medical or psychological model for understanding mental illness and mental health.

    Existential-humanistic therapy helps people to not only cope with their issues but to encourages them to grow, face their problems, and learn how to overcome them.

    The goal of existential-humanistic therapy is not just symptom relief, but to help people take responsibility for creating a life that allows them to be more authentic and experience more freedom.

  • I choose to work existentially because those same aches and pains that have plagued me have plagued us all.  Because for the deeper problems of life there is no manualized method or simple solution that will banish from our sight for forever and ever, the pain and confusion and awe of living.  We each must contend with our fair share of struggle and strife as we try to meet life on its own terms, and try we must, since the only way out is through (I’ve yet to find another).  If somehow, in trying, I can sit with others compassionately, and bear witness to the fineness and the folly of the journey each human must undertake, then perhaps some growth and healing can be had for us all.     

  • No, you do not have to have a diagnosis in order to seek therapy, but if you plan to use health insurance benefits to pay for your therapy, a mental health diagnosis must be given.

    The most important requirement is a willingness to show up and try to engage in thoughtful self-reflection about your life. If you’re seeking easy answers and immediate relief, you might not find them working with an existential therapist. But if you’re looking for someone to support and guide you as you face your anxieties, it might be worth it to give this type of therapy a try.

  • Existential-humanistic therapy is good for a variety of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance abuse, relationship conflicts, and can also be tailored to help with other mental health issues.

  • No. The goal of existential-humanistic therapy isn’t to cure individuals. Many of the issues that contribute to mental illness are inevitable parts of living. Through reflection, existential therapy It’s about helping people to become more skillful in the art of living. Of course you will experience relief as you learn how to do this—there will be improvements to self-image, relationships, and other behaviors. But you will still face challenges that are an inevitable part of living. That won’t change, but your ability to handle them will.

  • I only provide individual and couples therapy to adults aged 18 or older as they are legally able to make their own decisions on whether or not to participate in therapy. If asked to work with a minor individually, I will not do so, but may consider providing family therapy as an alternative if there is serious interest in this type of therapy.

  • I am an in-network provider with most, but not all Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana insurance plans.

    BCBS members may be eligible to use their benefits to help with the cost of therapy. They can contact their insurance provider prior to scheduling an appointment to get this information.

    I am not in-network with any other insurance plans. All other services will be rendered using the following fee structure:

    Individual Therapy - $125 per hour

    Couples/Family Therapy - $175 per hour

    Group Therapy (per member rate): $50 per session

  • No, I am not qualified to prescribe mediations. Any medication needs will have to be addressed with another provider whose license does allow them to prescribe medication such as a medical doctor or some psychologists. I will collaborate with other providers to ensure the client is receiving the best possible care.